Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Worshiping on Sunday at Open Bible was just like any other Sunday there...announcements, worship, sermon, special music, etc. Yet the whole time I could not help but think about how I do not have many Sundays left here. As amazing as I am sure it will be in Mexico, I know I am going to miss everyone at Open Bible so much the next few months. It was my last time to share in the Lord's Supper with my church family until New Year's Eve. Sundays will be very different. I will not be greeted by people I have known nearly my whole life. Faces that I look forward to seeing week after week after week. I truly treasure my church family, but I know that Mexico holds new faces for me to meet and learn from.


  1. Aw, Jessie!!! I'm going to miss you. And, we'll be missing one more person on our Sunday nights when we hang out :( But, I know you'll have a fabulous time in Mexico - how awesome to go to 2 churches with such great faith?!? You'll learn a lot there, I am sure.

  2. It will be a huge growing experience where you will have only God to rely on sometimes- that is a little scary. I am so thankful that God is going to grow you in this way, but I will miss you here! You will continually be on my heart and mind and prayers- have NO doubt. Love you :)

